Dive in, be amazed.

Sources: Public Domain
The American Congress allocated taxpayer monies of $40.3 Billion dollars to the National Institutes of Health in 2020.
They've researched the science of neuroplasticity, positivity, mental health, and overall physical wellness. They've also researched the power of faith, spirituality, and the belief in a "loving higher power".
Following are a few articles from the National Institutes of Health which support the Lucidesse process.
(Lucidesse has no affiliation with any of the following.)
The BRAIN Initiative: National Institutes of Health
Faith and mental health in an oncology population
Prioritizing Positivity: An effective approach
Spirituality and mental health
Conceptions Of Happiness
The Power Of Positive Thinking
Optimism And Its Impact On Mental And Physical Well-being
Epigenetics: The Science of Change
The role of epigenetics for understanding mental health difficulties and its implications for psychotherapy research
Holistic health and well-being: a psycho-spiritual/religious and theological perspective
The role of epigenetics in mental disorders
Spirituality and Religion in Pain and Pain Management
From Circuits to Chromatin: The Emerging Role of Epigenetics in Mental Health
Depression And Everyday Social Activity, Belonging, and Well-Being
Impact of spiritual beliefs and faith-based interventions
Sources: Business, Private, Non-profit
Private research, indigenous wisdom, and the personal lives of others, also support our process. Consider the following sources as a springboard to launch you toward new discoveries.
How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations : Rachel Yehuda, PhD
A Life Of One's Own : Marion Milner
The Body Keeps The Score : Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Entangled Life : Merlin Sheldrake, PhD
The Smell Of Rain On Dust : Martín Prechtel
Women Who Run With The Wolves : Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD
The Science Of Trust : John Gottman, PhD
Psycho-cybernetics : Maxwell Maltz, M.D. F.I.C.S.
Vipassana Meditation : Dhamma. Org