"Supporting others is an honor, not a rescue mission."
Affirmation ~ Relating Deck
Complex Symbiosis
Very little survives in isolation. Feed a plant carbon and it will share with the neighbor who keeps pests away. This act is not altruistic, the life of one depends on the life of the other.
Yet neither plant is responsible for the other. In fact, the two don’t even touch. The space between them is a network of mycelium, tiny fibers connecting ecosystems across the planet. The mycelium communicate, transfer, give, take.
That's complex symbiosis at its finest and it's the longest running show on earth. The complexity of our lives is that we are responsible for ourselves even as we walk with and support others. We heal alongside others healing.
The health of me depends on the health of you. This is growth through connection.
Change a Life. Save a Life.
We at Lucidesse believe everyone has the right to change their life, and for some that means save their life.
Many of us know of others, or perhaps it is us, who hover on the edge too bleak to name. It breaks the heart to know (experience) this suffering, but there is lasting change.
We at Lucidesse are committed to offering the primary app free of charge. That's no small feat considering the enormous investment in every single card: the hours of artistry, hosting the software, paying personnel -- but it must be free for everyone or we've misunderstood the spirit of Lucidesse.
Those who purchase the secondary app pay a little more, thereby granting primary access to everyone.
Your funding pollinates our symbiotic endeavor, you build a healthy mind while easing the pain of unwell minds. Together we transform isolation and loneliness into meaning and connection.

Image: Vyl - Unsplash

Community funding is
growth through connection.
The Lucidesse process is well underway and not a penny has been paid for over a thousand hours of work!
We're devoted and committed to a successful launch -- currently creating an awesome Kickstarter campaign. We can't wait to share it with you!
Sign-up for our newsletter and we'll let you know when Kickstarter is ready to go!
Remember, symbiosis creates tools which transform many lives, one brilliant thought at a time.

Symbiotic Goals

Goal 1: Pollinate Our Vision
Pollinate our vision through networks.
Share Lucidesse with those who are passionate about self-awareness, self-responsibility, intelligent curiosity, and meaningful connection.
Goal 4: Social Media Guru
Connect Lucidesse with a social media buff who has well-crafted writing skills and creative ways of communicating new ideas and concepts.
Goal 2: Pollinate Our Mission
Pollinate our mission through funding.
Lucidesse is alive and well, help us continue with your sweet honey, also known as financial support. (Kickstarter coming soon!)
Goal 5: Graphic Designer
Connect Lucidesse with a graphic designer who can draw/animate the Neura character in the app, along with other design elements.
Goal 3: Videographer
Connect Lucidesse with a videographer who is adept in the art of crowdsource funding.
Goal 6: App Developer
Connect Lucidesse with an app developer who is excited to transform our prototype into a dynamic app, to changes lives thru positive affirmations.